Book Review: The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

Minor spoiler alert, but not really XD

The Iron King by Julie Kagawa, published by Harlequin Teen is by far one of my favorite fae series to-date. I decided to read this series after hearing so many rave reviews about it, and upon reading the first few pages I instantly fell in love with the characters. The combination of the Midsummer’s Night Dream mythos with elements from Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan, the distinct worlds of the Seelie and Unseelie (Summer and Winter) is fantastic, but what truly blew my mind about this series is the birth of the Iron Fae.

Kagawa (whose name I absolutely adore saying and typing!) has outdone herself in the creation of the Iron Fae mythos. Having them essentially be a creation of human’s dependence and infatuation with all things technological it only seems to provide a plethora of ideas to create this new type of creature, that could be harmful to the oldblood of the traditional faerie mythos.

To rescue her brother, Ethan, Meghan Chase is thrown into a world she was never supposed to know. Nevernever is a terrifyingly beautiful place full of all things faerie and scary. Her best friend has turned out to be none other than the infamous Robin Goodfellow, also known as Puck. Along the way she also meets Prince Ash, youngest son of Mab, and Prince of the Unseelie Court. Meghan herself is a Princess, half-human daughter of King Oberon, much to the annoyance of Tatiana, his shrew of a wife.

All in all I give this book five stars and will have a review of the second book in the series The Iron Daughter in soon, as I’ve just finished that one as well.
Happy reading!

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